Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Our Crazy Life! But We LOVE It!

Wow! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this thing since September! In my defense, the month of October has NEVER been crazier! I have absolutely loved my new job, working as an event planner for the city, but working 30+ hours a week, full time school, being pregnant and the rest of life, almost did me in! But, we made it!

The Halloween Carnival was a blast! It was so rewarding to see the community enjoy our hard work! Alex came and volunteered and it was so fun seeing him interact with the kids. I'll have to put some pictures up when I get them back from the city, but the carnival included over 10 games, a food eating contest, a haunted theater, magic show, animal show, craft room, haunted house for the older kids and trick or treat street! Trick or treat street was a themed area where each room was decorated to a different theme (Winnie the Pooh, Pinocchio, Nightmare Before Christmas, Wizard of Oz and Toy Story) and the kids would trick or treat to each room. I think that specific area got the most compliments, which was great, since we had been working on it since the beginning of September! I didn't realize how much stress my body was under though until after the event and I slept more than 27 hours during the two days that followed the event!  Now we are planning the Lights on Ceremony and New Year's Eve Celebration.

For Halloween Alex and I went on a moonlit ski lift ride! It was awesome! Alex's first time on a ski lift.

We are happy to announce that we have started hearing back from medical schools and are busy filling out secondaries. We are hoping to get an interview invitation soon. Alex is really enjoying volunteering at the ER in Provo. The other day a nurse asked him to hold a child's head while the doctor stitched up his lip. He is learning a lot of good bedside manners :)

This semester is quickly drawing to a close (I seriously have senioritis SO bad!). Alex and I are constantly doing homework, writing papers, and studying for tests. It will be so great to be in Vancouver for Thanksgiving and get a little break before finals.

Baby girl is doing great! She's growing and moves so much! She's especially active when I am in the pool and right after I swim. It's great feeling her move, her most active time is from 9-10:30 pm, you're bound to feel a good kick then! We bought a stroller and carseat, and I've been busy making burp cloths and receiving blankets (you know, in all my spare time ;) We are anxiously awaiting her arrival, we know that February will be here before we know it!

I felt like I grew a ton in between 21 and 24 weeks! 

My sister and I are both having girls! Hopefully baby Hansen       will be making her debut any day now! 

I promise I don't always wear this black shirt, it is really just a coincidence, and it's one of the only maternity long sleeved shirts I have... Okay, maybe I do wear it a lot.

Just another tidbit of great news, we found a new apartment! We are literally busting at the seems in our adorable apartment and we are sad to leave, but we are excited about a bigger apartment that will allow me the chance to actually put together some type of nursery and have lots more storage space. We will be staying in the ward, which was what we were really hoping for. The Lord was really looking out for us and we feel so blessed by finding this apartment.

Well! That was a lot, I know! I'll try to do better and not wait a month and a half before I update again! We hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and know how thankful we are to have family and friends like you in our lives!