Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Month of Thanksgiving.

Where has time gone? The last time I posted, Ellie was being blessed, we were moving to Meridian and the summer was just starting. Now, all the leaves have fallen, Ellie is CRAWLING, Alex is enjoying  his job and the holiday season is upon us. I will give just a quick recap.

June- Trip to Vancouver to see grandparents! We also took our amazing two week trip to Singapore. I could write an entire blog post just about that. It was truly a unique experience and such a wonderful time to see my parents.

July- I taught swimming lessons at Christine’s pool, it felt so great to be back. Ellie moved into her own room, is eating solid food like crazy, and sleeps like a log J

August- Alex started working as a PSR, helping kids and adults with social anxieties/disabilities, addictions etc. I did a weekend on my own with Ellie at a family reunion. Ellie turned 6 months!

September- Another trip to Vancouver, to meet our new nephew and see family. This was the first fall that either of us didn't have school, I guess that applications kind of count, but it has been wonderful to have a break from the books.

October-  We took a trip to Provo! It was great to support our friends in their wedding, see Amber and Adam and other friends. My dad had a business trip in Boise and we had him around for a week. Ellie had her first trip to a pumpkin patch and enjoyed the little petting zoo. She is crawling all over the place!

November- Is it really November already? We took family pictures this last weekend. Ellie didn't smile much, but hopefully we got a couple of good shots. Alex and I joined our local gym. I am determined to get back into shape, let’s just say it’s a work in progress. Alex and I are both teaching the 8 year old kids in our ward. Alex is their scout leader and I am their primary teacher. It has been a learning experience, and the good times definitely help with the not so good times. Applications are going. Alex has worked so hard on them and we wait (not so patiently) every day to hear back from the schools. Alex has decided to also apply to some DO (Osteopathic medicine) schools this year and we are looking forward to hearing back from those schools as well.

This time of year always makes me think about the good things that I have. I n life it is easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you have so far to go. It is easy for  me to see friends my age who are buying houses, have “real” jobs, are in great shape etc. And think that I am so imperfect. Well the good news is, I am imperfect, but I am trying to be better. I have to take each day at a time, slow down and appreciate all of the good things I do have.

Most importantly, I have a Savior, who loves me for who I am (imperfections included). The gospel means so much to me; it truly is my greatest treasure. I love Alex and Ellie and I am so grateful that we can be together forever. I know that I am a child of God, I have divine potential and I work toward that each day through prayer, scripture reading and lots of other things.

I wish you the best holiday season, remember to be grateful and do service for others continually. I’ll try to post again soon.