Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Semester, New Job, New Adjustments, but life is still amazing!

Yeah for a new semester! It always feel so great to start a new semester of school (especially for me since it’s my last) Only two weeks in and Alex and I already look forward to the weekends! This semester will prove to be a challenging one, not only are classes difficult, but Alex will have the added pressure of continuing medical school applications, hopefully getting some interviews at various schools and continuing with research and volunteering! Not to mention preparation for our little baby, but honestly the majority of that will have to wait till Christmas break! A few fun things that will be going on this semester, Alex is taking floral design! I am excited because that means flowers for me and I think it will be good for Alex to get in touch with a little feminine side! I will be working as a TA for an event planning class. I really enjoy the professor I will be working with and think it will be an enjoyable class to TA for.

A new thing that I will also be adding to my semester is a new job! Yes, I can’t believe I’m saying this either, but after almost 5 years at the Provo Recreation Center, I will be moving to a different department in the city, working as a rec leader. So what exactly does a Rec leader do? Well I am part of a small group of people that plan the city events (Halloween Carnival, Christmas Parade, New Year’s Eve Party, ect.) I started this last week and already love it! It is great to gain some new experience and try my hand in something other than aquatics. But don’t worry, I couldn’t give up swim lessons that easily, I’ll still be the lessons coordinator for Saturday lessons. I am sad to be limiting my time at the rec center, it is like a second home to me, I absolutely love the people I work with, it’s just time for me to stretch my wings and get some experience, so that when the time comes to get a big girl job, I’ll have more knowledge of the recreation field as a whole.

We were excited to see our Cougars win their first 2 games! Hopefully we’ll be able to make it to one or two this season. As for the baby, things are going great! I am definitely getting a little bump, and we are excited for find out if we’re having a boy or girl in the next few weeks. My swimming class at BYU should help me keep the exercise up so that I can stay healthy and fit!

Well I think that is all for now! We hope you have a wonderful week and we’ll keep you updated as things keep changing around this Doroshkin home! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds like you are staying busy busy as usual. Hope you guys are doing well and know how much we love and support and pray for you.
