Sunday, July 31, 2011

Our First Post!

Hello Friends and Family! Welcome to the Doroshkin Duo! We hope you enjoy reading our stories of being happy newlyweds and the joys that come from being students!

So here is a little bit of an update! We were married on December 21, 2011! It was the happiest day of our lives! We made it through a semester of school and actually both got some of the best grades of our college careers! We spent some time in Vancouver and I was able to meet all of Alex's wonderful family and get to know my nieces and nephews a little better as well!
Spring came and I started to prepare for the upcoming busy summer season at the pool! I also took on the task of taking classes spring and summer term, it has been very difficult with full time work but it has turned out okay. Alex got into a research group at school and said goodbye to his native Russian missionary group. He now teaches only missionaries who are learning Russian. He even got lucky and Kyle Collinsworth is in his latest group! He is also a volunteer driver for Meals on Wheels once a week.

Our summer has flown by! Derek and Jennie were married in June! We were very excited to welcome another member to our family! We said goodbye to our wonderful sister Darya, a foreign exchange student staying with my parents for the last year. She was from Ukraine and enjoyed talking with Alex in Russian! We hope we get to see her again! July was full of swimming lessons, 4th of July fun, new missionaries and just enjoying the time (sometimes just a few minutes) spent together!

We are looking forward to another week in Washington to see Alex's family and meet our new niece, Annelle. We have a big reunion coming up where I will see one of my closest cousins, Abe who is getting home from his mission this week!

We will try to get on here more often and post pictures and share things from our lives! We love you all!!

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