Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Happy Outlook on a Terrible Game!

Today BYU was crushed by our rival U of U. Usually if we lose by 1 or 2 points I don't get too upset, but the final score was 54-10. Yikes! It hurt to watch! I am so glad that I am not married to a football player. Alex always get's so excited for the games, I hate to see him be sad after when we lose. We did get to eat some good food and spend time with each other. I guess there is a positive side to all situations :)

Today I also got to spend time with a dear old friend Julie (Miller) Lisonby. She is one of the most amazing girls I have ever met. She oozes with enthusiasm for life and always has a positive outlook. She is a great example to me and I have always looked up to her. I am so grateful for people in my life who help me be a better person. Alex is also one of those people. I am so happy I married a wonderful man who always encourages me to be my better self.

We also wanted to wish Brant Mecham (my cousin) the best of luck on his mission! He is leaving on Wednesday to serve in the Tucson Arizona Mission! We'll see you in 2 years!


  1. Oh Josalyn..... So glad you posted this on facebook, now I can see what you are up to. Can't believe your cousin is coming our way...heehe..we have several here we have known from a previous life... Anyway maybe we will get to meet him before it is all over for him. We actually have the Elders staying with us.... You two are so cute, happy fall sorry about the game. We actually turned it off....good thing that just hurts!

  2. I'm happy that y'all are doing so well. Spending time with friends and food is definitely the best.
