Sunday, November 6, 2011

A little bit of this and that

So much has happened in the last two weeks! Where do we start? Happy Halloween? We had our first Halloween together! Our neighbor said that kids wouldn't come trick-or-treating because they do a trunk or treat at the church across the street. This was sad news to us because we had gotten special candy to hand out to all the cute little kids! Well we decided to try our luck, we put out our pumpkins and left our porch light on (hoping to attract some families). It worked! We actually had to turn out our light at about 8:30 because we ran out of candy! There were some very creative costumes, but I think our favorite was the the family with 7 kids. The Mom dressed up as Snow White and the kids all dressed up like the 7 dwarfs. The Dad was of course prince charming! We can't wait till we have a little one of our own that we can take trick-or-treating!

This week was a very crazy week! I had three tests and Alex had two! Not to mention we were both trying to submit scholarship applications, get other projects and assignments done, and just find time to eat lunch! We got through it (barely :) As I was picking up Alex from his last class on Friday night, our car broke down! I think that the Lord is trying to teach us patience! We got it towed to our house and tomorrow we will take it up to the shop to get a diagnostic done. Hopefully it is an easy fix that won't take too long to work out (or too expensive!)

My best friend Amber get's married this Friday on 11/11/11 at 11:00am in Oakland California! I fly out on Wednesday and Alex will join me on Thursday. It will be nice to get out of Provo for a few days and celebrate the new Mr. and Mrs. Johnson!

As for today, it was a wonderful day! We had stake conference and there were some wonderful talks given! They all tied together and I truly feel inspired to be a little better and to follow their suggestions. There were talks given on daily prayer, scripture study, honoring the Priesthood in the home, showing and expressing love to your spouse, attending the temple, family home evening and keeping our entertainment and media clean. These are all important things that make such a difference. I hope that we can continue to get better and be patient with ourselves in the process. I am so thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This is a crazy world we live in and the standards and principles of the Gospel are the way to return to live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to be married to such a wonderful man (Hunk :) and to have been sealed for eternity in the temple so that we can have an eternal family. If you have any questions about the church and what we believe please don't hesitate to ask, or go to Stay safe this week! We'll write soon!

p.s. I made bread today, it turned out okay, it was a little thick in the middle...


  1. Your bread looks a MILLION times better than mine ever has. Also we were definitely in the same stake conference!!

  2. love your posts :)
    you two are BUSY people! way to be !! And that fam of snow white etc is hilaaarious. love it! you guys are so cute! :)

  3. So I am guessing that you did not eat one piece of candy for Halloween. You are looking so good Josalyn. Your hard work is paying off. I am glad that you guys survived your week of tests. I was sure praying for you.
